Battlefield Acupuncture

Battlefield Acupuncture or auriculotherapy is an effective technique to treat numerous types of pain without medication. A single treatment can provide immediate relief lasting from days to years. Tiny studs are placed in the outer ear in specific zones corresponding to the body’s pain pathways. Unlike traditional acupuncture these tiny needles are left in the outer ear for hours up to days to provide a prolonged period of relief. This technique was developed and is used by our military to provide a quick and efficient form of pain relief as the name “battlefield” indicates. The procedure allows a provider to confidently complete a treatment and expect a good result within minutes. There are virtually no complications and patients are subjected to little or no discomfort. It was reported that only approximately 15 percent of patients do not respond to acupuncture, but of those who do, their pain reduction often averages about 75 percent.

In theory, acupuncture is linked to the belief that disease is caused by disruptions to the flow of energy, or qi, in the body. ... "One major hypothesis is that acupuncture works through neurohormonal pathways. Basically, you put the needle through specific points in the body and stimulate the nerve.

Battlefield acupuncture can be used to help alleviate pain associated with:

Placement of the needles in the lobe Needles used in Battlefield Acupuncture

The patient will feel some pressure during application of each stud. The number of studs inserted is dependent on the patient’s pain reaction following each one inserted. If a specific location on the ear remains painful after a few minutes, then this one will be removed. Most patients experience a rapid change in pain severity and one to three days of reduced pain following the initial visit. The studs will be left in your ear until you remove them or they fall out. We encourage you to be active following the treatment to stimulate blood flow and will follow up with you the next day.